In accessing paid, decent work, refugee women face restrictive labour market laws, increased threat of violence, discrimination, as well as regulatory and administrative barriers. According to new analysis conducted by the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security (GIWPS), in collaboration with the International Rescue Committee (IRC), refugee women could generate up to $1.4 trillion to annual global GDP if employment and wage gaps were closed.

Key takeaways from the report:

The report focuses on Turkey, Uganda, Lebanon, Jordan, Germany, and the US, and extrapolates findings to the top 30-refugee hosting countries, which collectively host approximately 18 million refugees.

David Miliband, IRC president and CEO, said, “Our analysis shows the extraordinary scale of economic rewards, for both refugee women and the economies they live in, if they were able to access local jobs at non-discriminatory pay rates. Understanding this economic prize is important, but getting there is the fundamental challenge, particularly in the contexts of state fragility and economic vulnerability where most refugees live. That's why the IRC will continue to focus on employment programmes, from Uganda to Lebanon, that remove gender barriers for refugees accessing jobs.

To realise these gains, public commitments must be made by donors and political leaders, and then followed through. For example, candidates to lead the International Monetary Fund, must be asked if they will continue Christine Lagarde's focus on closing the gender pay gaps around the world, and how they plan to address the specific issue of women refugees.”

Ambassador Melanne Verveer, GIWPS Executive Director, said, “This is not a zero sum game. When refugee women are gainfully employed, they and their families benefit—along with their communities and host countries. Our findings underscore the need for regulatory reforms and policy change to unlock refugee women’s potential."

View the full report here.

To advance this agenda, the IRC and GIWPS are calling for the establishment of a Global Refugee Women and Work Commission to assess the particular barriers to economic opportunities facing displaced women and develop recommendations to close the gender-pay and decent work gaps among refugees.

This analysis is part of IRC’s RescueWorks initiative. RescueWorks programming deploys evidence-based solutions that not only save lives and rebuild livelihoods, but also contribute to the economic vitality and growth of local communities. RescueWorks also provides a platform for new ideas and change across the humanitarian sector. Learn more about RescueWorks here.